Published: April 3, 2013
Where, exactly, is your threshold for outrage?
Would you speak up if you were overbilled for a meal? Would you complain if you paid for a book from that never arrived?
Or what if you had to keep making monthly mortgage payments even after your loan was fully repaid?
Well, guess what? If you’re like most people, you’re participating in exactly that kind of rip-off right now. It’s the Great Cellphone Subsidy Con.
When you buy a cellphone — an iPhone or Android phone, let’s say — you pay $200. Now, the real price for that sophisticated piece of electronics is around $600. But Verizon, AT&T and Sprint are very thoughtful. They subsidize the phone. Your $200 is a down payment. You pay off the remaining $400 over the course of your two-year contract.
It’s just like buying a house or a car: you put some cash down and pay the rest in installments. Right?
Wrong. Here’s the difference: Once you’ve finished paying off your handset, your monthly bill doesn’t go down. You keep reimbursing the cellphone company as though you still owed it. Forever.
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